It used to be that I reserved Twitter (back then) for the Red Sox, critiquing Carols by Candlelight, and the Super Bowl. Such simple days. Alas fighting Covidiots and now, seeing them morph into religious bigots has forced that X platform open for me.

Palestine has been a tragedy ever since I was a kid but as an adult who studies history I know where bigotry has also led globally.

I remember being an infant around the time of the Biafran famine, the famines in Ethiopia and Somalia all born by hate and climate. Religion brought the 1960s and 70s of the PLO in its Munich Olympics massacre and hijackings culminating in Entebbe, Egypt’s numerous Suez crises, the Yom Kippur/Ramadan War, and then the Lebanese Civil War with its radicalisation and massacres at Shatila and Sabra all born of hate, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

I saw religious intolerance by atheists, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims (and their sects within) in the carnage of Ireland, Kampuchea, the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Colombia, El Salvador and Nicaragua. There is absolutely no way that anyone can underplay the still active volcano that’s the Kashmir Valley. And it’s criminal for anyone to turn a blind eye today to South Sudan that should be the world’s prime focus for peacemaking—eight million refugees—but that’s just a Black versus Black war of Muslims fighting Muslims; as was the gassing of Syria and the nightmare of Libya. There is religion underlying Putin’s Russian crusade in Ukraine.

So, I’m not going to sit back and let the empowerment of Covidiot-grifters morph into the empowerment of antisemitic grifting while the Atheist Left eventually realises that the Far Right wants a repeat of 1933 in the Left’s eradication too.

The Far Left are just sorry souls lost in the narcissism of their smart phone social apps.

I caught a glimpse of an article in the UK’s Telegraph today that blamed the turmoil in the Middle East since 1948 on Israel’s existence.

And there it is.

That’s the same argument that blames rape on the existence of women.

That’s a vile world view I will never support. We can’t stop a person’s hate, but we can stop it infecting our societal values of freedom to worship, freedom of opportunity, and freedom from fear.

Right now, the world needs to act in Gaza. It needs to open Egypt’s Sinai border, assist Egypt curtail the threat of insurgent Islamic terror resulting, document all Gazan refugees and ensure that they—and only they have a right to return to a free Palestine, with a non-Hamas, non-extremist government that matches a similar new government in Israel. Both built for peace.

Today is Super Bowl.

© 2024 Adam Parker.

Picture credit: “Wilson Official NFL football”. Courtesy Wilson Football, Creative Commons, CC0 Public Domain.